
As every woman is unique, Naturopath, Herbalist and Nutritionist Rebekah Bryce uses a variety of natural treatments tailored to suit individual symptoms. After a comprehensive health appraisal, a customised treatment plan may include any of the following:

Nutritional supplementation

Where required, nutritional supplementation in the highest quality forms available may be recommended. An assessment of current self prescribed supplementation is also included. Naturepure Women’s Health Clinic supply products from the following companies: Metagenics, Bioceuticals, Biomedica, Medi-Herb and Optimal Rx. mortar and pestle

Western and Chinese Herbs

These can be custom made in Rebekah’s herbal dispensary from natural liquid herbs. Dried, powdered or capsule forms may also be prescribed. Rebekah is skilled in the art of blending herbs to create an individualised medicine. Contraindications and interactions with prescribed medication is always considered.

Hormonal Evaluation

Many health issues facing women today are a result of an hormonal imbalance or disruption. Evaluation is given to assess hormonal status. Saliva Tests are sometimes used to asses levels of Oestrogens (E1, E2, E3), Progesterone, Testosterone, Cortisol and DHEA’s. The D.U.T.C.H. test (Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones) offers an extensive profile of sex and adrenal hormones and melatonin, along with their metabolites, to identify symptoms of hormonal imbalance. Easily collected in the comfort of your own home at various times of the day, samples are sent to the lab to be processed and a comprehensive report will be provided.

Detox and Wellness programs

Tailored to suit individual needs, dietary requirements and food intolerances.  Elimination diets and other special fruitneed dietary programs are expertly monitored. Advice, recipes and guidelines are given to enjoy the taste, flavour and variety of foods. Liver cleanse programs are sometimes needed to eliminate a toxic burden on the body. This assists healing and enables proper functioning for full health and vitality.

Weight Loss Programs

Weight loss should not be seen as a short term, quick fix. Often healthy changes need to be made for the long term which can result in more successful weight loss. Extreme programs will almost always have a rebound effect and contribute to the frustration of yo-yo dieting.  However, The Naturepure Wellness Plan is a valuable tool that can assist weight loss and improve general health and wellbeing. With practical dietary and lifestyle advice to maintain health for the long term whilst creating a healthy relationship with food and enjoyment of life. After a thorough health assessment Rebekah will recommend and guide you through the most appropriate program considering your personal metabolic type.


Many women live very busy lives that can lead to exhaustion, stress and anxiety. We often lose touch with what is really important. With a demanding lifestyle there is often little time or energy left for ourselves. We forget to check that our lives are on track and give ourselves time for greater self knowledge and understanding. Sometimes it may be a personal crisis, relationship breakdown or an illness that causes us to reflect on our lives.

Counselling can help improve and develop deeper relationships with ourselves and with others. By creating a safe space of reflection and discussion, a release of negative and self-defeating life patterns can occur, increasing self-esteem and self–acceptance.

Recommended behavioral strategies can be set in place to develop new skills and help in life’s ongoing challenges. The resulting benefit of counselling is to experience a greater sense of peace and calm. It can cultivate the feeling that life can be enjoyed rather than endured.